I’ve been getting a good few reviews of my new Young Adult novel, Blood Work, that Harp published in September.
Here are the words of film maker, writer, and media maven Denise Davies:
This novel tells the story of Raig’s development of cancer and all that that entails. How this sixteen-year-old girl comes through a near-death experience, how she finds joy and healing through art and music, how she learns through her ordeal to give back to others with insight and empathy—these events are all told as steps along the way in this gripping coming of age story. I hope that teens, parents, teachers, nurses, doctors and other caregivers will all read this novel for the insight into the experience of young people with cancer.
I hugely enjoyed this book and highly recommend it.
Denise Davies
You can buy Blood Work from our website, from Amazon, and – if you’re a local – from Antigonish’s 5c-$1… Enjoy!